With summer right around the corner, now is the best time to start focusing on your strategy to capitalize on one of the greatest times of the year. I believe that there are five main focal points, that if executed, will create immense success and boost the vibe in your salon!
When you mobilize your team, empower them and help them to see the WIFM, your chances of success in any promotion are so much greater. We tried a promotion for pre-booking and it never really caught traction because I didn’t do these things. Learn from my mistakes!
I believe in creating culture over contests. Although promotions can be great, as hairdressers, we need to utilize these promotions to create behaviors that ultimately shape the culture of our salons. We tried a Take Home promotion that boosted sales but six weeks later we dropped off because of the abundance purchased during the “special.” With the all-new Awapuhi Wild Ginger® HydraTriplex™ smoothing treatment we have an incredible opportunity to create a push toward smooth hair starting in the summer and ultimately becoming a tool that can become a part of our behavior throughout the rest of the year.
Use questions to open up the types of conversations that you want. Tea Tree Scalp Care Anti Thinning is a sensitive subject to bring up, but when there is a mirror decal that asks a question, the conversation can happen naturally. These mirror decals are inexpensive and a fun way to get creative and encourage the type of result that you desire.
Adjust your hair for the summer. Make sure it’s noticeable. It doesn’t have to be wild, but it should be a conversation starter. Come together as a team and create a strategy to cover all bases. Go bold! For example, you could choose someone on the team to go blonde (or blonder), red, or any other primary, vibrant color that stands out and make it avant-garde. This could open up discussions that would create their own promotions. (My example is extreme but you get the point!)
As hairdressers, at our core we must believe that what we are talking to our guests about will improve their life. Make sure, if you are focusing on color, treatments, or new styling products or techniques, that you set aside a team night to perform the services on each other. When hairdressers speak from their heart there is nothing as powerful as that!
Summer brings so much joy and life.
Harnessing the greatest season of the year can be simple if we create a plan.
All of these tips come from me making mistakes and learning from them. As long as you lead with your heart, implore a strategy, and learn from the things that don’t work I believe that your summer will be wildly successful.